
Why every horse owner needs to know the basics of horse management and care

by | Jan 19, 2021 | Equestrian Coach, Horse Management, Horse Riding | 0 comments

Understanding how we process sensory information can significantly influence how we experience nerves, anxiety, and fear when riding our horse. We use our ‘internal representational systems’, which refer to the primary ways we perceive and internalise our experiences through our senses, to make provide information about our experiences. Our mind filters and uses this information to make meaning of our subjective experience, as a point of reference for the future.

Our internal representational systems are visual (seeing), auditory (hearing), kinesthetic (feeling), gustatory (tasting), and olfactory (smelling). The processed information from each of these senses will impact how your unconscious mind processes your world and have an impact on how you feel about yourself, your horse and riding. 

Visual (Seeing)

If you tend to think in pictures, you might visualise potential problems while riding, like imagining a fall or picturing the horse becoming spooked. These vivid mental images can make you feel more anxious. To manage this, you can refocus your mind on visualising exactly what you actually want to happen, in as much detail as you can. Your mind really doesn’t know the difference between what’s real and what’s imagined, and will respond to precisely what you tell it! So using this to your advantage and use your brilliant imagination to create a visualised scenario where things happen exactly as you want them to, and where you manage any surprises with ease and confidence. 

Auditory (Hearing)

If you’re sensitive to sounds, the external noise of the horse’s hooves, your horse’s breathing, or sounds from the environment will all add to how you experience riding your horse. Internal sounds, such as your self-talk are also an important factor, since we often don’t realise quite how we speak to ourselves in our mind! Listening to calming music (where it’s safe to do so, obviously!), and positively managing your self-talk before and during your ride will help boost your confidence.

Kinaesthetic (Feeling)

If you are someone who is highly attuned to your feelings and emotions, you might be acutely aware of every physical sensation in your body and how it makes you feel. You might be aware of a knot in your stomach, tightness in your throat, or a very real feeling of having your legs turn to jelly! These type of physical sensations quickly transmit an alert to your mind, triggering nerves, anxiety and even fear. Practising deep breathing or other relaxation techniques can help you manage these physical sensations and reduce your anxiety.

Gustatory (Tasting)

As riders, the sense of taste is one we don’t often think about, and it’s closely tied to memory, where certain flavours can trigger emotional responses. I know of riders who chew minty gum before they ride (never chew gum while riding, as it is a choking hazard), and that minty sensation on their tongue can anchor feelings of readiness and confidence. Being mindful of what you eat or drink before riding and choosing flavours that you find comforting or refreshing can help trigger a shift in how you feel. 

Olfactory (Smelling)

Certain smells can evoke powerful emotional responses. I don’t know about you, but I love the slightly warm, sweaty smell of horses who have just worked (that sounds weird, doesn’t it?!). As a child, I dreamed of the smell horses, of leather tack, and even now the first fly spray of the summer brings a reminiscence of happy hacking days. Find those smells which make you feel good and remind you of happy times, then make use of these whenever you can. 

Recognising which of these sensory inputs resonates with you most will provide you with simple tools to improve your riding confidence. By consciously adjusting how you seek out and use these sensory inputs, you can help yourself feel more in control and less anxious while riding. 


While each of us might have a preference for one or more internal representational systems, such as visual, auditory, or kinesthetic, it’s important to note that we don’t exclusively use just one; our mind gathers and uses information from all of them. Think of it like having a favourite tool in a toolbox; even though you might prefer one tool, you still use the others when the situation requires it.

For instance, even if you primarily process your experience in a primarily visual way by imagining scenarios and pictures in your mind, your mind will still also pay attention to what you hear, the physical sensations you feel, the tastes and smells that surround you. Each sense provides a different piece of the puzzle, contributing to a fuller understanding and experience of your environment.

This means when you’re riding your horse and trying to manage anxiety, even though you might focus on using your preferred sensory channel, such as visualising calm and successful rides, you’ll also benefit from tuning into the sounds that calm you, the feel of the horse beneath you, and even calming scents or flavours. Using a combination of all your senses can help create a richer, more grounded experience that can be more effective in managing your nerves.

Simple Tips


Focus on shifting your mindset by vividly imagining positive outcomes. Instead of letting your mind linger on potential challenges, picture yourself riding smoothly, handling challenges with ease, and finishing your ride successfully. This practice of visualisation can help build your confidence and reassurance. 


Integrate calming sounds into your daily routine to help soothe your nerves. This could be as simple as listening to the radio while you tack up, or repeating positive affirmations to yourself such as “I am calm and in control” or “I trust my abilities and my horse.” These auditory cues can help create a mental environment of calmness and positivity.


Use physical relaxation techniques to reduce anxiety and physical tension. Before riding, try doing some gentle stretches, deep breathing exercises, or progressive muscle relaxation—where you tense and then relax different muscle groups. This not only relaxes your body but also prepares your mind for a more comfortable and focused ride.


Choose flavours that evoke a sense of calm and enjoyment for you. This might mean having a peppermint or a piece of dark chocolate before you ride or sipping herbal tea like chamomile which is known for its soothing properties. These tastes can trigger positive sensory memories and help calm your nerves.


Introduce a comforting and familiar scent into your riding environment. This could be applying a dab of lavender oil on your wrist or adding a few drops of tea tree oil to your riding gear. The smell of chamomile can also be soothing. These scents can significantly enhance your emotional state by triggering positive associations and reducing stress, creating a more relaxing atmosphere for both you and your horse.

By actively engaging these sensory strategies, you can better manage your emotions and enhance your overall riding experience. Each tip is designed to help you focus, relax, and enjoy your time with your horse, making your rides more pleasant and successful.


In conclusion, understanding how your internal representational systems influence your emotions can help you manage your nerves and anxieyt around riding. By recognising your preferred internal representational systems, you can use different strategies to feel calmer and more in control, so you can become a more confident rider. 

There’s no doubt about it, owning a horse is a major responsibility and their care and management are ultimately in your hands at all times. Horses can be complicated and it is true to say that every day is a learning day when you have a horse in your care! Even the most experienced of horse owners can learn something new and expand their knowledge. We will never be in a situation where any single horse owner ‘knows it all’. 

Although we will never be in a situation where we know absolutely everything there is to know about horse ownership, it’s amazing to see the number of horse owners that have not learned the basics of equine care and management. The basics are your foundation for becoming a competent and knowledgeable horseman or woman. It also ensures that your horse receives the right type of care on a day to day basis, helping them lead a happy and healthy life.

In 2006 The Animal Welfare Act stated a set of legal guidelines, known as ‘The Five Freedoms’, which became enforceable in the UK. This Act was passed by law to ensure all animals receive acceptable minimum standards of care and that we meet the mental and physical needs of the animals that we are responsible for.

The Five Freedoms

  • Freedom from hunger and thirst
  • Freedom from discomfort
  • Freedom from pain, injury, and disease
  • Freedom to express normal behaviour
  • Freedom from fear and distress

The Animal Welfare Act (2006) was a major breakthrough in animal welfare and has set the standard when it comes to how domesticated animals are treated in regards to care and management.

It is, however, very easy for horse owners to read this Act and think it doesn’t apply to them. It doesn’t apply to them not because they do not think the freedoms are valid, but because they would already consider themselves responsible and caring horse owners who feed and water their horses daily. They always make sure that their horse isn’t ill or in discomfort, and would consider their horse’s behaviour normal without fear and distress as part of everyday life.

One of the problems here is that there are many horse owners who would be considered as ‘just getting by with the bare minimum’ rather than having the correct basic knowledge to fully fulfill the five freedoms.

Here are some things to consider:

Freedom from hunger and thirst

Evidently, it is vital we feed and water our horses every day however feeding is a complicated subject and is not just a case of throwing down some hard feed and hay twice a day and hoping for the best.

Horses have very different needs when it comes to feeding which depends on a multitude of factors. The weight, breed, temperament, time of year, age, type of pasture, and whether the horse is stabled or field kept will all be major factors. In addition, the type and amount of work the horse carries out as well as the type of rider it carries will make a difference.

Without a basic knowledge of the feeding and watering rules, it is impossible to fully fulfill this part of the act. In order for a horse to stay happy and healthy, it is important that as an owner you know the fundamentals.

Freedom from discomfort

It’s very easy to just take a look at your horse and come to the conclusion that they are ‘fine’. Discomfort presents itself in many ways and it may not always be obvious that your horse is in some sort of discomfort. Horses are by nature prey animals, and will instinctively try to hide evidence of pain or struggle, as this would have made them vulnerable to predators in the wild. It is essential for horse owners and riders to become familiar with signs of pain and discomfort in the horse, so that it can be investigated and the underlying causes resolved. 

One of the common ways a horse may be in discomfort is when they are tacked up. A poorly fitted saddle or a noseband that is too tight or not fit for purpose can cause pain, soreness, and irritation which can have long-lasting effects. You may know how to put on a saddle sufficiently, but if you are not aware of how a saddle should fit correctly then you may not be able to identify that your horse is uncomfortable. Having a good knowledge of how tack should be fitted to your horse will ensure that you have met necessary welfare standards. A basic understanding can make the world of difference to you and your horse.

Freedom from, pain, injury, and disease

Would you know if your horse was in pain? Do they have an injury? Should you call the vet out? Having a basic understanding of what pain looks like and identifying any issues your horse may be experiencing is a key part of responsible ownership.

Unfortunately, horses have no direct way of communicating pain or injury through spoken word, but their actions are likely to tell you in sometimes the most obvious ways. Quite often these actions are written off as unwanted or bad behaviour and knowing the difference is crucial. Having solid background knowledge in common pain issues, injuries, and equine diseases will ensure your horse is in the best hands.

Freedom to express normal behaviour

It is important that horses are able to express normal and somewhat natural behaviour. But what is normal, natural behaviour for horses? Do you know what that looks like? Are there signs that something is wrong? Having a good foundational knowledge of what a horse’s normal and natural behaviour looks like can help you identify whether your horse’s instinctive and natural behavioural needs are being met. Learning about the horse’s natural lifestyle can help you make the right choices of how to manage their needs effectively and improve their ability to express normal behaviours.

Freedom from fear and distress

All horses should live in environments that are free from fear or distress. Horses have evolved over millions of years, and are prey animals, responding to any perceived threat with a strong flight or fight instinct. Body language is usually a clear indicator of how your horse is feeling about a situation, but without the proper knowledge, it can be difficult for the human eye to determine. Setting yourself up with some training on the horse’s instincts and characteristics can help you know what to look out for.

As an example, your horse may seem jumpy and on edge in the stable. They may be fearful of something nearby, let’s say a plastic bag outside of the stable. When you know the signs to look out for when your horse is feeling fearful, it can usually be easy to identify the cause and rectify the situation quickly. If you don’t know the signs of fear you cannot rectify the situation which will leave your horse distressed, fearful, and sometimes unmanageable.

As you can see, there is much more to this than just meeting the bare minimum. Having basic knowledge will ensure your horse stays fit, healthy, and happy. You can also have peace of mind that you are doing the very best for your horse and meeting the required welfare standards set out.

In becoming aware of the Five Freedoms, and the horse’s basic needs, horse owners can ensure that they offer the most appropriate care and management to their horses, and to provide them with the best possible home with many happy years of enjoyment for both horses and their humans!

Ready to learn more?

FREE Rider Confidence Guide

I’ve created a FREE downloadable guide, packed with some of my most effective techniques, to help YOU become more positive and excited about riding again.

Everything you need to become a confident rider

  • Overcome your nerves, anxiety and those pesky ‘what ifs’ around riding your horse
  • Manage your mindset and your emotions, so you can be the rider your horse needs and wants
  • Follow a step-by-step proven framework to grow your confidence, whatever your starting point
  • Tailor your learning experience to meet your specific needs in your situation
  • Join an incredible community of riders who build each other up and share our successes along the way

The Rider's Guide to Managing Your Inner Voice

🐴 Are you really hard on yourself as a rider? Beat yourself up for every mistake? Hold yourself to unrealistic standards and struggle with perfectionism?

➡️ Break free from your ‘Negative Nelly’ inner voice and discover a more enjoyable way to ride with confidence! 

Dive into our exclusive Ebook, “Rider’s Guide to Managing Your Inner Voice,” and reignite your love for riding. 

✅ Conquer those nagging thoughts of ‘shoulds’ and self-sabotage

✅ Let go of perfectionism and avoidance tactics

✅ Transform your mindset and start making the best memories together with your horse

👉 Don’t let excuses hold you back any longer. Grab your copy now and start riding with confidence! 🚀🐎


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